Specialised Services


SkipWaste provides the following:

1. Delivery Document

2. Manifest Document

3. Disposal site delivery proof

4. Safe disposal Certificate

5. Volume Report


Hazardous Waste

Hazardous-waste management, the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste material that, when improperly handled, can cause substantial harm to human health and safety or to the environment. Hazardous wastes can take the form of solids, liquids, sludges, or contained gases, and they are generated primarily by chemical production, manufacturing, and other industrial activities. They may cause damage during inadequate storage, transportation, treatment, or disposal operations. Improper hazardous-waste storage or disposal frequently contaminates surface and groundwater supplies. Skipwaste will use sealed skips for solid and certain sludges. Below are options for liquid waste containers.


Used for:

  • Smaller liquid volumes
  • Can be collected with drum carrier or Hino

Used for:

  • Medium liquid volumes
  • Can be collected with Hino
  • Exchanges can be arranged but we also
    have a small pump to suck small quantities

Used for:

  • Large liquid volumes
  • Can be collected with a roll on
  • Capacity 10 000 litres.
Static Compactor and Baler
Self Press Compactor

What is a Self Press Compactor?

The Self Press Compactors are designed for high volume waste producers with restricted space. These dedicated containers operate on a simple plug-in basis, with no installation required. When filled, we simply uplift, empty and return for immediate re-use.

Suitable for clients with large quantities. We use Bulkmatech and Akura systems. If the client already has a compactor, SkipWaste can just clean the static on regular schedule.

Static Compactor

What is a Static Compactor?

Static compactors generally have a higher compaction performance, a greater range of loading options and handle a larger volume of waste. A static compactor does not travel to the landfill site as it is bolted to its base, only the compactor container is taken to the landfill site where it is emptied and returned.

BV Baler

Vertical balers

BH 20b Baler

 Horizontal balers

Recycling facilities need baling equipment to create transportable blocks of product. However, businesses which generate large amounts of a particular type of recyclable find small balers a practical way to deal with the product. Examples are businesses which must dispose of cardboard packaging, and collection points for beverage bottles or cans. It can be cost effective to bale this pre-sorted material before sending to a recycling facility.

Safe Disposal and Product Protection

Skipwaste always try to find alternative solutions and a big part of our portfolio includes various composting solutions:

  • Dry greens composting – Normal wood off cuts or any garden refuge
  • Food products – Most food that is not contaminated with other materials
  • Liquid consumables – Special solution for all liquids that can be used for human consumption